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Duran Interiors is proud to be the exclusive distributor of Porta Romana in The Netherlands.


Porta Romana began life in 1988 in a tiny London workshop. From the beginning, the ambition was to create beautiful and inspiring pieces that would be loved. Good fortune came in finding skilled British craftspeople to create those quirky and original designs.

The Porta Romana style and design language has continuously evolved over the following quarter century to become a leading global brand, and a critical ingredient in the world’s most beautiful houses, yachts, hotels and film sets. They still work with many of their original artisans, and continue to seek out the next artistic talent, to help breathe fresh life into their collections. From sculptors to ceramicists, from lacquering to glazing, every expert hand and eye is focused on the crafting of something beautiful and enduring. That is their belief, and the hallmark of each unique Porta Romana piece.

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